The idea & name of Alevo is hatched in order to sell batteries developed by Fortu PowerCell.Jostein Eikeland initially appears to have over 90% of the shares, and the shares are registered in a cumbersome securities depositories system to apparently provide some anonymity to some early investors.Newspaper reports suggest that Alevo has been financed by a narcotics smugglerKey period for raising money from “real” investors & also sowing the seeds of the ultimate demise.In 2014 Harrison Wellford, later to become a Board member, is paid $3 million, and TSG is paid $2 million for “Real Estate Consulting”.On October 28, 2014, Alevo goes all out in its grand launch event promising lots of jobs and getting hugs from the local governor.Finally shareholders get to start asking real questions, firing a director and Alevo reveals it is spending $4.2million per month and almost going bankrupt.Jostein Eikeland is already a controversial person, but now Dagens Næringsliv publishes a detailed report on him and Alevo.